Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Sinus cavernosus trombose en hersenabces als complicatie van een tandabces: een case report.
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde en Gezondheidszorg, Aug. 2022dr. Abeloos Johandr. Vanopdenbosch Ludodr. Casselman Jan06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
The ESTMJS (European society of Tempo_romandibular joint Surgeons) “Conrunsïs and Evidence-Based Recommendations on Management of Condylar Dislocation.
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 5068. https: / /doi.orgl 10.3390/jcm10215068dr. Bonte Bernard06/01/2020
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
A retrospective cohort study on reasons to retain third molars.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2020 Jun;49(6):816-821. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2019.10.003. Epub 2019 Nov 6.dr. De Bruyn Lieselotte05/01/2020
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Custom-made 3D-printed face masks in case of pandemic crisis situations with a lack of commercially available FFP2/3 masks.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 May;49(5):673-677. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2020.03.015.dr. Swennen Gwen01/01/2020
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Surgical efficiency and minimizing patient morbidity by using a novel surgical algorithm in orthognathic surgery.
Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2020; 28(2): 95-109.dr. Swennen Gwen01/01/2016
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Imaging workflow for 3D virtual treatment planning of orthognathic surgery.
A Step-by-Step Approach for Orthodontists and Surgeons. Springer 2016 1:1-52dr. Swennen Gwen01/01/2016
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
3D Virtual Treatment Planning of Orthognathic Surgery.
ISBN 978-3-662-47388-7dr. Swennen Gwen09/01/2015
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Clinical Management of BCLP With a Severe Hypoplastic and Retruded Premaxilla.
Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2015 Sep;52(5):e180-2. doi: 10.1597/14-056. Epub 2014 Nov 18. PubMed PMID: 25405545.dr. Nagy Krisztian08/10/2015
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Oral Mucosal Z-Plasty in Combination with Intravelar Veloplasty.
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 Aug 10;3(7):e456. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000000424.eCollection 2015 Jul. PubMed PMID: 26301145; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4527630dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/2015
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Oral Mucosal Z-Plasty in Combination with Intravelar Veloplasty.
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015; 10;3(7):e456.dr. Swennen Gwen01/01/2015
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Minimally Invasive Temporal Brow Lift.
J Craniofac Surg. 2015;26:2021-2022.dr. Swennen Gwen09/01/2014
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional simulation of the nasoalveolar cleft defect.
Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2014 Sep; 51(5):593-6. IFdr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/2014
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Flemish Core Group for Head & Neck Oncology ‘Present philosphy and reflections on its potential impact on health care’
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, 25;15, 2014dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippe06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Prospective evaluation of an integrated intra-operative CBCT and navigation platform in maxillofacial traumatology.
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgium.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Monitoring of free flaps in maxillofacial surgery.
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgium.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
A new “surface to Cone-beam CT” registration method to obtain an appropriate 3D virtual patient model for orthognathic surgery planning.
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgium.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian11/01/2013
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Management of prominent premaxilla in bilateral cleft lip and alveolus.
Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2013 Nov;50(6):744-6.dr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Complications of calvarial bone harvesting for maxillofacial reconstructions .
I nternational Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS), Barcelona, Spaindr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional evaluation and alveolar bone graft planning in cleft patients: can we improve?
International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS), Barcelona, Spaindr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Evolution of virtual treatment planning and CAD/CAM manufacturing in mandibular reconstruction with microvascular tissue transfer.
International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS), Barcelona, Spaindr. Abeloos Johandr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional Virtual Simulation of Mandibular Autorotation in Orthognathic Surgery.
International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS), Barcelona, Spaindr. Abeloos Johandr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
A new Surface to Cone-Beam CT registration method to obtain an appropriate 3D virtual patient model for orthognathic surgery planning.
International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS), Barcelona, Spain.dr. Swennen Gwen01/01/1970
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional simulation of the nasoalveolar cleft defect.
Cleft Palate Craniofac J. (Epub ahead of print-)dr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Immediate functional loading of provisional implants in the reconstructed atrophic maxilla: preliminary results of a prospective
Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2011; 40: 907–915dr. Meersschaert Jokedr. D’hulst Pieterdr. Vanhonsebrouck Evadr. Stockmans Filipapr. biol. Muyldermans Astriddr. Linden Evelynedr. Kalmar Alaindr. Rooms Isabelledr. Monté Marie-Catherinedr. Vandenbussche Nicolas06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Tanzer congenital ear deformity. Review of the literature and case presentation.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 22.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Early management of CLP patients with nasoalveolar molding.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 22.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Minimal invasive orbit decompression for Graves exophtalmopathy.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 22.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Potential of trans-oral robotic surgery (TORS) in cleft palate surgery.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 22.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Survival of immediately loaded implants in the reconstructed atrophic maxilla with cranial bone grafts.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 22.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
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Retrospective analysis of of 166 consecutive free flaps.
Craniomaxillofac Surg 2012:40.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Use of nasoalveolar moulding in early cleft management.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2012:40.dr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
What is the clinical relevance of 3D stereo-photogrammetry in orthognathic surgery? Assesment of accuracy and reliability.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 21:23.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional volumetric CBCT analysis of the upper airway in maxilla-facial deformity.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 21:24.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Clinical relevance of 3D virtual evaluation of occlusal and skeletal cants towards the frontal Natural Head Position (NHP) in orthognathic surgery.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 21:22.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
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Three-dimensional virtual simulation of mandibular autorotation in orthognathic surgery based on the CBCT triple scan procedure.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2012: 21:23.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/1970
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Presentation of a cone-beam CT scanning protocol for preprosthetic cranial bone grafting of the atrophic maxilla.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Jul;41(7):863-6.dr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Swennen Gwen01/01/1970
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Robotic surgery in oral and maxillofacial, craniofacial and head and neck surgery: A systematic review of the literature.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Nov;41(11):1311-24.dr. Abeloos Johandr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Complications of calvarian bone harvesting for maxillofacial reconstructions.
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgium.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional evaluation and alveolar graft planning in cleft patients: how can we improve?
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgiumdr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Evolution of virtual treatment planning and CAD/CAM manufacturing in mandibular reconstruction with microvascular tissue transfer.
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgium.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Proposal for a treatment algorithm for mandibular reconstruction wit hor without free tissue transfer.
KBVSMFH, Brussels Belgiumdr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. Verhaeghe Wimdr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Retrospective analysis of 166 consecutive free flaps.
KBVSMFH. Brussels Belgium.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Prospective evaluation of an integrated intra-operative CBCT and navigation platform in maxillofacial traumatology.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2013:24: 24.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Monitoring of free flaps in maxillofacial surgery.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2013:24: 27.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Complications of calvarial bone harvesting for maxillofacial reconstructions.
International Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2013: 42: 1344.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional Virtual Simulation of Mandibular Autorotation in Orthognathic Surgery.
International Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2013: 42: 1338.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
A new Surface to Cone-Beam CT registration method to obtain an appropriate 3D virtual patient model for orthognathic surgery planning.
International Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2013: 42: 1338.dr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Evolution of virtual treatment planning and CAD/CAM manufacturing in mandibular reconstruction with microvascular tissue transfer.
International Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2013: 42: 1255.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Three-dimensional evaluation and alveolar bone graft planning in cleft patients: can we improve?
International Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2013: 42: 1201-2102.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Proposal for a treatment algorithm for mandibular reconstruction with or without free tissue transfer.
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2013:23: 16.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Belgian News in Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery.
2013:23: 16.dr. Abeloos Johandr. Neyt Nathaliedr. De Ceulaer Jokedr. Lamoral Philippedr. Swennen Gwendr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
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Validation of a novel semi-automated method for three-dimensional surface rendering of condyles using cone beam computed tomography data.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013: 42:1023-1029.dr. Swennen Gwen06/12/2023
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Three-dimensional cone-beam tomography definition of the anatomical subregions of the upper airway : a validation study.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013: 42:1140-1449.dr. Swennen Gwen01/01/1970
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J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70:1269-1270, 2012dr. Bonte Bernard01/01/2011
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Primary septoplasty in the repair of unilateral complete cleft lip and palate.
Plastic and reconstructive surgery127:(2) pp. 761-767.dr. Nagy Krisztian06/12/2023
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Postoperative wound management after cleft lip surgery.
Cleft Palate Craniofac J.dr. Nagy Krisztian12/01/2009
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No evidence for long-term effectiveness of early osteodistraction in hemifacial microsomia.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Dec;124(6):2061-71.dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/1970
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Lip adhesion revisited.
Ind J Plast Reconstr Surg Ind J Plast Reconstr Surg-2009 Jul-Dec(42)2:211-219dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/2009
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Advanced S(t)imulator for cleft palate repair techniques.
Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2009 Jan;46(1):1-5. Epub 2008 Apr 11.dr. Nagy Krisztian09/01/2008
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Analysis of the cleft lip-nose in the submental-vertical view. Part II. Panel study: which is the most important deformity?
J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2008 Sep;36(6):315-20. Epub 2008 May 12.dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/2008
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Ignac Semmelweis, the Rescuer of Mothers.
The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery Vol.25, No.2,2008, 73-77dr. Nagy Krisztian12/01/2007
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Human submandibular gland (HSG) cell line as a model for studying salivary gland Ca2+ signalling mechanisms.
Acta Physiol Hung. 2007 Dec;94(4):301-13dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/1970
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Analysis of the cleft-lip nose in submental-vertical view, Part I– reliability of a new measurement instrument.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2007 Sep-Oct;35(6-7):265-77. Epub 2007 Sept 17.dr. Nagy Krisztian09/12/2006
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Modified surgical technique of transpalatal distraction.
Guillermo Raspall Javier Gonzalez Lagunas (szerk.).2006.09.12 Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 79-82.dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/2002
Mond-, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
Is early distraction a solution for the ascending ramus compartment in hemifacial microsomia?
A literature study Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, (2002) 30(4), 201-207.dr. Nagy Krisztian01/01/2002
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Real-time endoarticular ultrasound imaging of the TMJ – A new diagnostic possibility.
(A cadaver study) International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2002. 31(5) 553-557.dr. Nagy KrisztianGeen podcAZts gevonden...
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