Prospective screening for transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis in Spinal Stenosis surgery patients: results of the CASS-study.
JACC CardioOncol, 2023dr. Hoste Davydr. Trenson Sanderdr. Vantomme Nikolaasdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. De Paepe Pascaledr. Debonnaire Philippedr. De Geeter Frank Tavernier Renédr. Verhoeven Kristofdr. Claeys Mathias01/11/2022
Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
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C-terminal frameshift variant of TDP-43 with pronounced aggregation-propensity causes rimmed vacuole myopathy but not ALS/FTD.
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Exome Sequencing and Multigene Panel Testing in 1,411 Patients With Adult-Onset Neurologic Disorders.
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Autosomal dominant in cis D4Z4 repeat array duplication alleles in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy.
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Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
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Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
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Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
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Late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) in Belgium: clinical characteristics and outcome measures.
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Predictive parameters for the effect of botulinum toxin infiltrations in chronic migraine.
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Predictive parameters for the effect of botulinum toxin infiltrations in chronic migraine.
The Journal of Headache and Pain 2014, 15 (Suppl 1):M1 (18 September 2014)dr. Verhalle Marie-damiennedr. Van Dycke Anneliesdr. Deryck Olivierdr. Vanopdenbosch Ludodr. Bergmans Brunodr. Verhoeven Kristof06/12/2023
Botulinum toxin infiltrations for chronic migraine are efficacious and safe: the Bruges experience.
Belgian Brain Council 2014 MODULATING THE BRAIN: FACTS, FICTION, FUTURE.dr. Verhalle Marie-damiennedr. Van Dycke Anneliesdr. Deryck Olivierdr. Bergmans Brunodr. Verhoeven Kristof01/01/2014
Predictive parameters for the effect of botulinum toxin infiltrations in chronic migraine.
J Headache Pain 2014;15(1):1. (abstractdr. Van Dycke Anneliesdr. Deryck Olivierdr. Verhoeven KristofNeurologie