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Prospective screening for transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis in Spinal Stenosis surgery patients: results of the CASS-study.
JACC CardioOncol, 2023dr. Hoste Davydr. Trenson Sanderdr. Vantomme Nikolaasdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. De Paepe Pascaledr. Debonnaire Philippedr. De Geeter Frank Tavernier Renédr. Verhoeven Kristofdr. Claeys Mathias01/02/2023
Infectious diarrhea after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation assessed by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay.
Int J Infect Dis. 2023 Feb;127:17-22. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.11.045. Epub 2022 Dec 6. PMID: 36481487 dr. Snauwaert Sylviadr. Van Praet Jensdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Selleslag Dominikdr. Lodewyck Tomdr. Reynders Marijkedr. Schauwvlieghe Alexander01/01/2023
Leptomeningeal myelomatosis as a rare presentation of multiple myeloma: a case report.
Belg J Hematol 2023;14(2):73-6.dr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Vanopdenbosch Ludo01/12/2023
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as an inguinal hernia – case report.
Acta Chir Belg. 2023 Dec;123(6):695-698. doi: 10.1080/00015458.2022.2122320. Epub 2022 Sep 13.PMID: 36069512dr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. De Paepe Pascale01/11/2022
Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
Acta Cardiol. 2022 Nov;77(9):791-804. doi: 10.1080/00015385.2021.1976450. Epub 2021 Sep 27. PMID: 34565298dr. Trenson Sanderdr. Demeester Catherinedr. Willandt Barbaradr. Vantomme Nikolaasdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Delanote Joostdr. Debonnaire Philippedr. De Geeter Frankdr. De Vriese An Tavernier René01/02/2023
Infectious diarrhea after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation assessed by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay.
Int J Infect Dis. 2023 Feb;127:17-22. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.11.045. Epub 2022 Dec 6.PMID: 36481487 dr. Snauwaert Sylviadr. Van Praet Jensdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Selleslag Dominikdr. Lodewyck Tomdr. Reynders Marijkedr. Schauwvlieghe Alexander06/12/2023
Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
Acta Cardiol. 2021 Sep 27:1-14. doi: 10.1080/00015385.2021.1976450.dr. Willandt Barbaradr. Vantomme Nikolaasdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. De Paepe Pascaledr. Delanote Joostdr. De Geeter Frankdr. De Vriese An Tavernier Renédr. Van Meirhaeghe Jandr. Lambert Greet06/12/2023
Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
Acta Cardiol. 2021 Sep 27:1-14.dr. Willandt Barbaradr. Vantomme Nikolaasdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. De Paepe Pascaledr. Delanote Joostdr. Debonnaire Philippedr. De Geeter Frankdr. De Vriese An Tavernier Renédr. Van Meirhaeghe Jan06/12/2023
Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications.
Acta Cardiol. 2021 Sep 27:1-14.dr. Willandt Barbaradr. Vantomme Nikolaasdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. De Paepe Pascaledr. Delanote Joostdr. Debonnaire Philippedr. De Geeter Frankdr. De Vriese An Tavernier Renédr. Van Meirhaeghe Jan01/01/2020
Radiologie en Medische Beeldvorming
Cerebellar progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with a history of Crohn’s disease and acute myeloid leukemia.
Acta Neurol Belg 2020; 120:759-760 doi: 10.1007/s13760-019-01260-xdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Vanopdenbosch Ludodr. Casselman Jan01/01/2020
Cerebellar progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with a history of Crohn’s disease and acute myeloid leukemia.
Acta Neurol Belg 2020;120:759-60.dr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Vanopdenbosch Ludodr. Casselman Jan01/01/2020
Radiologie en Medische Beeldvorming
Cerebellar progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with a history of Crohn’s disease and acute myeloid leukemia.
Acta Neurol Belg 2020; 120:759-760 doi: 10.1007/s13760-019-01260-xdr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Vanopdenbosch Ludodr. Casselman Jan06/12/2023
“Hepatitis E virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis”.
Acta Clinica Belgica 2020 Feb 24:1-4. doi: 10.1080/17843286.2020.1733179.dr. Van Droogenbroeck Jandr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“PCR-based detection of azole resistance in A. fumigatus to improve patient outcome. A prospective multicenter study”
Aberdeen, United Kingdom2021-10-08dr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Comparison between VirClia and Platelia galactomannan assay on BAL samples”
Aberdeen, United Kingdom2021-10-08dr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Pulmonary aspergillosis in critically ill coronavirus disease 2019 patients– a multinational study”
Aberdeen, United Kingdom2021-10-08dr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Importance of anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay antigenic composition as revealed by the results of the Belgian external quality assessment (EQA) scheme”
Vienna, Austria2021-07-09dr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
Webinar HABO vzw: “COVID-19 Labodiagnostiek: een overzicht van de meest courante testmethoden”.
Bruggedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
Webinar AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV: COVID-19.
dr. Flore Katelijnedr. Van Praet Jensdr. Vandecasteele Stefaandr. Haenebalcke Christeldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3 subtype dependent clinical outcomes in Belgium 2010-2018“.
Parijsdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
Sessie “Viral respiratory infections: diagnostic options & epidemiology”
Dolce La Hulpedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Application of multi-parameter screening for the diagnosis of infectious diseases”
Evergemdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
AB-BeleidsSymposium: “Nieuwe anti-infectieuze therapie anno 2019” “Update over virale en fungale infecties: diagnostische testen”
Bruggedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Non-influenza viruses associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Infections during influenza seasons 2015/2016 to 2017/2018, Belgium”
Stockholm, Swedendr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Increased prevalence of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium after initiation of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis”
Washington, USAdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“RSV infection in hospitalized adults with severe acute respiratory infection during four influenza seasons in Belgium: prevalence, subtype distribution, risk factors and outcome”
Amsterdamdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
Brusseldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Epidemiology of Pneumocysits jirovecii pneumonia and (non-)use of prophylaxis in three tertiary care hospitals”.
Nice, Francedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Evaluation of the Altona RealStar® Pneumocystis jirovecii PCR kit 1.0 for quantitative detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii in various sample types”.
Noordwijk aan Zee, Nederlanddr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Enterovirus surveillance of 2018 reveals an upsurge of EV-D68 in Belgium”.
Copenhagen, Denmarkdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Epidemiology of human respiratory syncytial virus circulating in Belgium between 2011 and 2019” -abstract ID 241.
Copenhagen, Denmarkdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
Copenhagen, Denmarkdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Viral Compartmentalization and Rapid Evolution of Drug-resistant Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) Infection in a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) Patient.
Baltimore, Maryland, USAdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Epidemiology and Clinical Impact of Respiratory Pathogens in Symptomatic Immunocompromised Patients: a Two-center Study using a Multi-parameter Customized Respiratory Taqman Array Card”.
Amsterdamdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Evaluation of the FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis panel in routine setting: a Belgian multicenter study”.
Amsterdamdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Diagnostic characteristics of the recently commercialized OLM AspLFD lateral flow device in hematology patients: a multicenter study”.
Amsterdamdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Improving the diagnostic performance of the newly commercialized IMMY Aspergillus galactomannan lateral flow assay using digital readout”.
Amsterdamdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Bordetella pertussis seroprevalence in Belgian adults aged 40-59 years, 2017”.
Brusseldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Application of multiparameter screening & Taqman Array Card for the diagnosis of infectious diseases”
UZ Gentdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Hepatitis E virus-associated haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis“.
Brusseldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Update in diagnostiek van SOA’s met nadruk op syphilis & M.genitalium”.
Moorseldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Microbiological tools for CNS infections” (“Microbiologie voor de neuroloog”).
dr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Evaluation of Simplexa™ C. difficile Direct assay for rapid diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infection compared to a multi-parameter customized respiratory TaqMan® array card”.
Brusseldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Circulating strains of Human respiratory syncytial virus in Belgium during seven consecutive respiratory seasons (2011-2018)”.
Asheville, USAdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Incidence and Clinical Relevance of Human Bocavirus (HBoV) Infections in Pediatric Patients”.
Athens, Greecedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Evaluation of Alere™ i for rapid detection of RSV and influenza A&B compared to a multi-parameter customized respiratory TaqMan® array card”.
Athens, Greecedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Decentralized Universal Neonatal Cytomagalovirus screening in Ghent and Bruges, Belgium”
Brusseldr. Reynders MarijkeOogziekten
ICC-9: How to get a happy patient after a complicated cataractsurgery.
Brusseldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Versant HCV Genotype 2.0 assay (LiPA) misclassifies the circulating HCV recombinant RF1_2k/1b in genotype 2 patients”
Bostondr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Viral Respiratory Tract infections in immunocompromised patients”
Bruggedr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Prospective study in Belgian children hospitalized with RSV related lower respiratory tract infections: characterization of viral and clinical symptoms kinetics confirms a correlation between RSV viral load and disease severity.”
Patagonia, Argentinadr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Focus diagnostics Simplexa™ Flu A/B & RSV versus multi-parameter customized respiratory Taqman® Array Card in immunocompromised patients”
Lisbon, Portugaldr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Characterization of clinical and viral kinetics in children hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus related lower respiratory tract infections”
Londondr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Etiology of community-acquired respiratory infection & New Diagnostic Methods in Viral RTI”
AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AVdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde
“Heads or tails: genotyping of Hepatitis C Virus concerning the 2k/1b recombinant”
Amsterdamdr. Reynders MarijkeLaboratoriumgeneeskunde