Robotic Staging of Cervical Cancer With Simultaneous Detection of Primary Pelvic and Secondary Para-Aortic Sentinel Lymph Nodes: Reproducibility in a First Case Series.
Front Surg. 2022 Jun 16;9:905083. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.905083. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35784928dr. De Cuypere Evelinedr. Van Trappen Philippedr. Roels Sarah09/01/2022
Favouring quality improvement initiatives: The experience of the Belgian College of Radiation Oncology.
dr. Roels Sarah06/12/2023
Sexual health in cervical cancer survivors: An exploratory qualitative interview study.
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Robotgeassisteerde para-aortische sentinelklierprocedure met fluorescentie bij baarmoederhalskanker: primeur in de literatuur.
AZ Linkdr. De Cuypere Evelinedr. Van Trappen Philippedr. Roels Sarah06/12/2023
Robotic Staging of Cervical Cancer With Simultaneous Detection of Primary Pelvic and Secondary Para-Aortic Sentinel Lymph Nodes: Reproducibility in a First Case Series.
Front Surg. 2022 Jun 16;9:905083. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.905083. PMID: 35784928; PMCID: PMC9244622.dr. De Cuypere Evelinedr. Van Trappen Philippedr. Roels Sarah03/11/2011
Value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for prediction and early assessment of response to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in rectal cancer: preliminary results.
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Feb 1;82(2):863-70.dr. Roels SarahRadiotherapie
Update guidelines borstkliniek AZ Sint-Jan: richtlijnen radiotherapie.
Brugge2022-10-13dr. Roels SarahRadiotherapie
Radiotherapie en chemotherapie bij slokdarmcarcinoom.
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Stralingsbescherming en veiligheid in de radiotherapie.
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Radiotherapie en chemotherapie.
BOPP (Belgian Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners) congress, La Roche-en-Ardenne.dr. Roels SarahRadiotherapie
Head and Neck Cancer in the elderly Population.
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Radiotherapie en Oncologie bij colorectale tumoren.
Congres Vlaamse Stomaverpleegkundigen (VLAS), Heist op den Berg.dr. Roels SarahRadiotherapie